I hope it will get better now, but have in recent days, we counted the events ...
The company where I work has finally found an investor - and we all now hope to finally get back our salaries! Rather than be easier, comes with me now all high - I have really bad stomach pain for days and sleep poorly. All what I said in the past Weeks and months have swallowed and have displaced - is now up!
Before that, I must point but all my pride :
Instructions: cloth Antonia
Wool: filigree of lemon
needles: in the end No. 5
Conclusion: no cloth to knit "side" ... Audiobook is watch TV, but not
the cloth has been designed as a Christmas gift for my best friend.
After so rare close on me * gg * I've already bought the wool end of October ...!
When I finally found the right pattern - the wool was gone without a trace!
I've made my treasure for Nikolo socks and how it will have the devil, so I hid the socks in the bag with the wool!
So I was only after 6 December start - no problem, I thought, time enough.
I started with the suggested needle size (according wool ribbon) - No. 3 and was just nothing - so I've started in the meantime with the vest!
On the night of 5 / 6 January I had the idea - to knit the scarf with No. 5 and in less than 10 days (afternoons and evenings), the gem was finished!
************************************************ *
I'm captivated by this book - the audio book I've eaten in the last week - now if I do not even read - I'm knitting more listless since:
I got myself a new pair of glasses bought or buy them for the old woman was beyond repair ...
I wonder only - why is it after almost 20 years, the first red?
My Schihaserl on Wednesday the 2nd Make way!
KiGa ski course ... which have ultimately this winter every 3 to (re) learned skiing!
Winter is zürückgekehrt
Monday morning - as if from nowhere, it has snowed about 40 cm over night!
and Ronja and Jacob use every free minute ...
I Ronja after this picture in the tub set and lauwaremen water trying to snowball to melt ... 've also found time for such things * grr *
and if my salary and perhaps even paid for the last overtime I get to buy just like to take Overlook machine and until then I quite flirtatious here inside:
now I am enjoying my free Friday - who knows what will my new employers like?
The afternoon is planned by my loved ones until the last minute - and he has placed four event ... let's see how this is! (Within a radius of 150 km, mind you!)
The afternoon is planned by my loved ones until the last minute - and he has placed four event ... let's see how this is! (Within a radius of 150 km, mind you!)
Much love

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