Sunday, January 16, 2011

Answers For Wards Labs

Blog Awards :-)

Before long, I've already received my second Blog Award!

Today I want to thank me for it Lenerl and Liora thanks :-)

-you both love cuddled-

is a symbol of an award, it's that there not so well known blog gradually become better known.

How does it work:

first Create a blog post in which you reinkopierst the "Love Blog"-picture and the instructions to do so. (Just happened)

second You should also link to the blog of the person who gave you the award and let them know via comment in her blog that you accept the award and its hyperlink to your awards-posts there.

third Think about now, should have given what blogs / blog that you think an award. Link to it in your inbox and notify the chosen ones that they were chosen and copy the link in the comment just contact them with pure.

4th Dear / blogger love: this action is to trigger further we unknown, good blog bring to light.

why I'd like for you to post any blogs that already have been 3,000 readers, but talented beginners and people who blog for a while though, but still not known.

I have long wondered who should get an award. I chose


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