Well, better late than never ... even if now and no more snow melts, this angel had to Tilda necessarily arise. He is a very late Christmas present, so to speak have been!
365 days Blogger
365 days Blogger
108 Posts
355 dear readers
The year was fantastic, I never would have ever thought a half years ago, sometimes permanently to sew, let alone what to sell. In November 2009, I started sewing out really more from the air and somehow I managed it yet (can you unlearn sewing at all!). Fairly quickly I found your blog through Google and was overwhelmed by your creativity and knew relatively quickly that I would like to have a blog, only on the implementation happerte it a little and then pulled the whole way through early January;)
A great year! An expensive year ... I do so very quickly Run inspire certain things and then I always on the verge of my account to loot certain things to. It followed in short intervals, a new sewing, a serger and an embroidery machine. We only treat nothing * laugh *
middle of the year, I hired the first things sewn on DaWanda. And jooar, I am satisfied. Thanks for your purchases! In November and December then there were my first Christmas markets - I'm still sooo glad I got such nice words from my clients. The best feeling was just last week when I saw a little girl in the SADT, one of my hats on his head * smile * This was somehow a feeling of "Yes, I like. Yes, it is taken ... and it looks especially sugar-sweet!"
So, time to say thank you!
thank you for your kind comments, emails, phone calls! Without you here if it were quite empty and eerie. Thank you also for your help, I needed much because I initially had quite a few questions.
Thank einzigNAHTig gentleman who has sooo much patience with me! With you I would not change sometimes true * laughs *
And therefore there to win something! Mr. einzigNAHTig wins a thick Knutscher and her? Hm, I do not know yet, and I would like to be inspired by the winner of the first blog and see what he likes so that I also fully meet the Black Colorful! So, get those keys and up to 16.01. 23.59 clock a comment!
Lg, Caro
Lg, Caro
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