Well, you've spent the Christmas Eve beautiful? I already
:-) Now I can you so quickly once my new Tut for the liquid soap to bind to the nose. Many of you have tried to find time to leave and boil viiieeel soap that should be a joke ;-) -
past weekend, good girl and I boiled liquid soap from a recipe from the book by C. Failor. I found the effort that must be operated at some point to have liquid soap rather dramatically and have thought that I will not try again soon.
Um, yes, wrong :-) I thought it still made the same again. However, quite different and in my opinion much easier.
Nix with hot, splashing water, no alcohol, borax, no immovable Seifenpampe in the pot (which was but rather to the used oils and fats).
Thank God it has worked immediately and I was not my attempt kloppen in the bin.
you order your first liquid soap is not the same rob last nerve, I show you step by step my version.
Heißverseifung on the stove top and oven:
250 grams coconut oil 250 grams of rapeseed oil
150 grams of almond oil 50 grams castor oil
water 233 grams 142 grams KOH
overgreasing remains about 4% -5%
and despite overgreasing
clear the soap.
Security Note: Put on your protective clothing! (Glasses are really duty and long gloves, too. Long sleeves on clothing desirable)
The saponification with KOH, I have noticed that the mixture in mixing with a blender injected much more than the saponification with NaOH. The fine spray, which got me, despite protective clothing-caught here and there burned, more intense than the splash with NaOH.
first Step: Weigh fats. Melt fat in the pot as usual.

second Step: Weigh Distilled water and KOH (potassium hydroxide) and mix together well (Please put this all in the sink Then, when it should be somewhat crowded, it flows from the same and you have no dangerous mess in the kitchen..)

third Step potassium released slowly into the still warm fat mixture and then stir well with a blender together. The fats and the lye must first not be cooled.
You have, in contrast to saponification with NaOH until very long time before well mixed and added to the fats and the lye is no longer separate. Do not let things get. That is so.

4th Step Heißverseifung on the stovetop:
Here you see the pot already on the hot stove. The hot plate to a maximum of 1 / 2 - key 1. The mass will be good though warm but not too hot saponified, because otherwise it just so beautiful together stirred fat-liquor mixture separates.

Here you can see the pot in short times in the sink in the water. Since I am the glue that is too hot. So do not panic if this happens. It can to save everything.

Here you can already see how the glue thickens quite wonderful.

5th Step Heißverseifung in the oven:
And now the whole thing is ready for the oven (100 degrees)! The ground is still good verrührbar. No firm, almost rock-hard mush.

looks after 1 1 / 2 hours in the oven, the glue that way.

then after 3 hours in the oven Sun durchgegeelt Well, I would say :-)

the kiss test, the soap has had problems. The smell of the soap is reminiscent of the used canola oil (I do think, though not unpleasant)
6th Step: dilute soap
Now you can dilute the soap still on, so they can be filled in a soap dispenser.
I 200 grams of soap with 350 grams of previously boiled Distilled water was mixed. The process of resolving something lasts. Let the pot just a long time, stir every now and back again. At some point, then everything has dissolved.

now been completely dissolved in the glass. And the soap is clear, but it is too rich!

now colored with soap color and scented with rosemary and Litsea :-)

The rosemary Litsea soap is already in the bottle to see. In addition to the green soap I have floated a rose soap for a friend. I have the soap dissolved in water and scented with rose geranium something. Thickened
I do not have the liquid soap. This can be determined but Speisegelantine or agar Agar do well.

The remaining soap from the pot I put in a plastic box. It can still make a lot of liquid soap :-)

Nachsieden Have fun!
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